Driven Training is a Registered Training Organisation (40780)

On Road Defensive Driving Course

Course Dates

Course Name:

On Road Defensive Driving Course

Course Type:

Course Description:

Participants are taught the principles of Defensive Driving: how to minimise risks and improve safety margins. It contains both an information component and a hands-on driving component. Participants learn to identify hazards, read traffic conditions, and how vehicles behave in emergencies and various conditions, e.g. skids, stopping distances, etc.

This half-day course is best done with one trainer to one participant but can be done with up to 3 participants.

Course Duration:

3 hours

Course Locations:

We deliver this training course at our driver training facility located at:

  • Yatala, Queensland
    (halfway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast)


Course Pre-requisites:

Designed for all levels of driving ability and ages 17 and above. Participants must have P-plate licence or above.
The practical component can be done in participant’s vehicle IF the brake is located in the centre console area and readily accessible by the driving instructor sitting in the front passenger seat.

Training Dates:

This training is available on request. Please contact us to discuss suitable dates.

Course Cost:

$375 incl. GST


This is NOT a nationally accredited course. You can read about our nationally accredited defensive driving courses here

Course Structure

This course consists of two components: an information session, followed by an in-vehicle practical lesson.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Know your vehicle: Safety tips about your car
  • Braking distances under various conditions
  • Emergency conditions: What to do, and how your vehicle responds
  • Driving under different conditions: Rain, night, city, motorway
  • How to drive more economically
Driven Training is a Registered Training Organisation (40780)
The Nationally Accredited courses that we are accredited to deliver are marked with the Nationally Recognised Training logo .
Courses without this logo are not nationally accredited.